Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hamilton Gardens

Why I didn't go here in the summer? I have no idea!

One of the American girls studying here (Jenn) got a surprise visit from her mom, so naturally she wanted to do the tourist thing, and I had nothing better to do that day, so I tagged along with my roommate Betty.

The Hamilton Gardens are really quite beautiful even in the winter, and free to the public! Unfortunately many of the flowers were not in bloom, but this place was way more than I expected it to be. The architecture alone was just beautiful, and there were so many different themed gardens, which I also did not expect.

Here's me and Betty on our way to the first Garden.

The Renaissance Garden was by far my most favorite! Such a dreamy courtyard!

This was the Chinese Scholar Garden...

Us girls were in a posey mood.

Outside of the Maori Garden was a tree LOADED with cocoons and caterpillars! I saw just one at first, but after taking another look, I realized that there were more caterpillars on this tree than flowers!
This was the Japanese Garden...
The picture was taken from a cute little tea house and there was a zen rock garden on the opposite side of the pond.

The Indian Garden was the only one almost fully in bloom and had a beautiful palace-like building.

We would have liked to check out more of the Gardens, but the sun was going down fast, and it was getting cold. There is a Fantasy Garden, which we really wanted to check out, but it was closed for construction. Good thing the gardens are close by, and I can come back again in the spring and see it in its full glory.

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