Sunday, February 26, 2012

T minus 45 hours

T minus 45 hours till departure and I am freaking out... just a little. There was an error with my financial aid, which snapped me out of my numbness about moving and into the reality that this is all happening very, very soon. Hopefully I will get my dispersement within the next week or two at the very most. At least I know that I already have a secured place of residence, though I don't have an address to give you all. I have a few things I need to take care of in the next two days before I leave. I spent WAY too much time in Walmart today picking up some last minute essentials, mostly toiletries, things I don't want to deal with having to buy once I get to New Zealand. I started stressing out, not being able to find the items I wanted, and noticing all the things that I will probably need, but wouldn't make sense for me to buy here. The whole time, I kept wondering how I am going to fit everything I was buying in my already overstuffed, overweight luggage. Just thinking about lugging my three suitcases, duffle bag, and backpack around the airport and the ten hour flight that I will most likely get very little sleep on is enough to make my brain hurt.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Passport and Student Visa

I FINALLY got my passport back from the New Zealand Consulate with my student visa! YAY! Good till the end of March 2013. I think we can call it official now =)